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 How do you forget all the pain?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fazzy Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 09:51:26
mess'z u up in all ways..... even if u try hard 2 ignore dnt leave u alone.... uda pplz mistakes affect u 4eva.... if u THINK about tings..its WRONG n if u dnt ur still in the WRONG....cnt do nuttin....
ppl jus say dnt get stressd ova it... bt ow cn u stop if all dey talk about is d actual sik of hearin d shyt....
dey say smilin helps...which i believe it duz.... n even if u smile...ppl end up askin y do u smile so it 2 hide d pain...4 GOD SAKE...... arghhh...

*.*Faz*.* :)
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
miss cool Posted - 12 May 2004 : 21:24:01
ye guys i hav to say sum really gud advice..agree wid evreythin u sed momo..der was a time wen i let everythin get 2 me..and thought life was crap..with so much s*** goin on..jst really important people in ur life disappointin u all the time..but b-lieve me faz it makes you stronger..once u realise wht other's do is their decision and isn't the be all and end all for u..u need to see whtha problem is to do wid u or otherz..

i kno its not always dat simple...i mean for me the pain is still i can dish out this positive stuff an believe it but..wen its family buss its always ther..i guess its just how u learn to deal wid it..

fazzy Posted - 10 May 2004 : 15:57:35
lol...u ppl r gr8... no joke.... such good advice... mmmmhhhh... im cool aint botherin wit tings...altho i get told off all d for not listnin 2 d oh well... hu cares...;)
muwah love u all.. x x x x

*.*Faz*.* :)
Mizorganized Posted - 10 May 2004 : 11:58:46
how about have a good cry? watch a movie...get some friends round...have a laugh
jemsbhai Posted - 09 May 2004 : 23:24:50
if all else fails ...

hey hey hey hey
smoke weed everyday
"ghum ka saathi rum"
try a jack in coke, or just good ol rum and coke. dont try that stuff straight up though, it can be a bit unsettling :)

Originally posted by fazzy

mess'z u up in all ways..... even if u try hard 2 ignore dnt leave u alone.... uda pplz mistakes affect u 4eva.... if u THINK about tings..its WRONG n if u dnt ur still in the WRONG....cnt do nuttin....
ppl jus say dnt get stressd ova it... bt ow cn u stop if all dey talk about is d actual sik of hearin d shyt....
dey say smilin helps...which i believe it duz.... n even if u smile...ppl end up askin y do u smile so it 2 hide d pain...4 GOD SAKE...... arghhh...

*.*Faz*.* :)

maybe life is just a dream
maxi Posted - 06 May 2004 : 05:56:21
well try to keep my self busy all the time...
Sports, Creating New Stuffs, Talking, Chatting, Surfing.. etc etc

ô - I w⧠bôrÑëd IÑÑôçèÑt, EdùçâtiôÑ ruined mè - ô
babygal Posted - 04 May 2004 : 21:13:28
dusn't hlp 2 bottle evryfing up (believe me, i've tried it!), bt sum tymz u dn't fink n it seemz lyk da onli way. bt i've leant nt 2 nw, n i've learnt from my mistakes. if u find dat u r sitting on ur own, n doin anyfing bt finking, FIND summat else 2 do. try n make urslf fink bout summat else, go out wid sum m8z, do sum wrk.

bt da best advice i can giv, is dat u need 2 find sum1 2 tlk 2, sum1 u can truse, sum1 hu u knw will stand by ur side n listen 2 wot u hav 2 say.

n hopefully ur problems will seem lighter, n da pain in ur heart will decrease. n all dat by jst sharing n expressin ur feelings!!! wot a bargain!!!

Am A GuD gYal CORRUPTED by bad TiNg$!
afyz Posted - 25 Apr 2004 : 12:31:32
jus try to 4get abt it but i bottle it up so much that it jus comes flyin out. but i take it out on a game or my car by flooring it. I wud never ask sum1 else to share my pain unless its well hard to cope wiv.

BengaLTiger Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 14:41:21
i know you do ... lol

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
fazzy Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 09:25:06
wel i lab me mama

*.*Faz*.* :)
BengaLTiger Posted - 25 Mar 2004 : 23:25:39
I lab me mama :)
MoMo Posted - 25 Mar 2004 : 17:00:02
yh i totaly understand....i go thru it...i have developed a technique where i pretend lyk i listen bt i dont...laffin is gr8....take all da s*** wiv a pinch of salt u get me..all i can say is da power 2 feel betta lies with u...n i no u probably tink...wat? bt trust it does.. it can only effect u if u let it, jst tink bout it lyk dis...wy da f*** does nefin ne1 says have da ryt 2 make u feel s***? shudnt, especially if itz sutin u can get over urself, thn das all u gotta do..concentrate on UR feelings n UR closure, nt on wat ppl try n say...i only became so unhappy cuz i let myself get lyk tht..n i xpected every1 else's actions 2 change da one hu can make myslef happy if i wanted 2...n i have....ive worked had 2 face n learn from ne mistakes ive made...i take responsibilty 4 da way i feel...jst let urself have control....beleive tht it rly does lie in ur hands.ur only as happy as u can make urself...n da pain eases once u realize dat!!!!!
fazzy Posted - 24 Mar 2004 : 14:19:13
ur rite..... itz quite funi at tymz i jus go jus 2 get rid of d stupid feelin inside i giggle ova lil stufff mkes me feel so much betr... cuz i b in so much pain... lafin is a wikid medicine betr dan ne udr stuff.....
i uderstnd wen u say try n 4get bout it n move on... i try bt evry single day diffrent tings are bought up... n it duz ma hed in... evry1 says al dis stuff... i jus listn dnt say netin 2 em... den dey jus nag at me 4 nt talkin... dey dnt unerstand ow am i spose 2 move on wit evry1 sayin stuff... u get wat i mean...?

*.*Faz*.* :)
MoMo Posted - 23 Mar 2004 : 13:14:02
Na dont do tht....get ur s*** out sumhow....dont keep it all in n hope it will go away..cuz it jst intensify's n messes u up evn more...seriously...i went thru a bad patch lyk u....where it seemd lyk evryfin in ma lyf was rong..n all i felt was anger,resentment n frustration...i got ova it cuz i realized tht i cant xpect tings jst 2 b perfect 4 me....i had 2 work hard 2 get my s*** wat u gotta do is tink tings thru logically n figure out jst how mch each lil prob is rly affectin u n wat u cud do 2 improve it....i mean shea's ryt...bad s*** does happen n itz always guna happen 2 so will gud stuff...all u gotta do is acknowledge it, accept it, try an improve...n w8 4 da gud tings 2 happen 2 u!!!! n always member.....tings cud b worse n b gr8ful tht thy ent.

Keep ya hed up!
fazzy Posted - 23 Mar 2004 : 12:17:19
i kno wat u mean.... bt sum tymz wen tings get 2 much it jus messes u up.... i seem 2 get angry al d tym now.... dint kno wat angr was 1st... bt now wen i get angry i jus go sit sumwher on ma own n tink tink ntink... i dnt bootha shoutin at ne1 cuz itz nt their fault...y shud dey suffer cuz o0f me....
it seems lyk d best way....

*.*Faz*.* :)
SKY Posted - 23 Mar 2004 : 06:53:21
life is a bunch of little experiences thrown together. little adventures. we need to go on more adventures, bro

Shea Posted - 23 Mar 2004 : 04:27:56
you dont lost the pain... life throws crap at you and you're supposed to learn from them... honestly, if you keep thinking that life sucks and its unfair, and why does this keep happening to you... then you have already. Each time you are screwed in life, its a learning curve for you. You are supposed to learn something from it, then use the knowledge to avoid the pain at some other time. If it keeps happening to you, maybe you just havent learned yet. The best way to live life without being hurt is to have NO regrets. If you regret your past mistakes in the present, then they will haunt you forever. Get over them, and everything follows out smoothly.

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
admin Posted - 09 Feb 2004 : 18:43:17
uve already lost it!
fazzy Posted - 06 Feb 2004 : 09:18:19
im im a lickle bunny rabbit..... lolol...... gna lose my mind

*.*Faz*.* :)
admin Posted - 05 Feb 2004 : 17:50:06
(rani did u hypnotize her?)
fazzy Posted - 04 Feb 2004 : 12:27:38
im listnin...... ur advice elps me bt its jus at tymz tings dnt always go as well as dey shud u get me....?

*.*Faz*.* :)
Rani Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 23:57:50
Originally posted by admin

thats what i told her too rani - she doesnt listen to me! maybe she'll listen to you!

awww . if she dont listen to us. we will just have to hypnotise her . thats the next best step
admin Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 22:02:35
thats what i told her too rani - she doesnt listen to me! maybe she'll listen to you!
Rani Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 14:56:04
ignore them. an other peoples mistakes should never affect u . dont let it. as for the pain take some pain killers they might help
admin Posted - 28 Jan 2004 : 17:43:19
how did u know?! u been going through my drawers?!
fazzy Posted - 28 Jan 2004 : 13:32:44
lol.... der gud enuf 4 nice n soft 4 lickle faz..... BLESS UR COTTON SOCKZ.... they r cotton arnt they????lol

*.*Faz*.* :)
admin Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 23:48:20
i aint loaded! someone been pulling ur leg! i'll get u kleenex - they last for ages.. u can fold it away neatly until ur next crying session and they always stay soft!
fazzy Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 21:10:01
im sure u cn get me tissues ur loaded u cn but me a factory of tissues i'l use em wen i need em....

*.*Faz*.* :)
admin Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 20:44:41
hai re hai! dont cry u baby! Tissue doesnt come free u know!
fazzy Posted - 27 Jan 2004 : 19:39:12
awwwww.sowwie....didnt mean 2 be so horrible i wer only plzzz.... or me gna cry....

*.*Faz*.* :)
admin Posted - 26 Jan 2004 : 11:23:48
ok ok! i wont say anything then! - Asian Forum © Asian Forum
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