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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SpiKY Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 22:30:13
Can every one PLZ tell me where they from etc..
so I (we) can get to kno every one

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SpiKY Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 19:37:01
sorry metz i never knew how to check the profiles untill now =o)
well nice to meet u metz..
Rani u are a baby :p

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
Rani Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 18:37:33
darcy spiky noooooooooooooooooo cricket a mans game looks like a babies game makes me fall asleep

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
xxx_metz_xxx Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 18:18:33 not a guy!!! im a gyal...check my profile!!! metz is jus my nickname!!!! LOL!!!

¤ˇ.¸.ˇ°Lil Miss Giggles°ˇ.¸.ˇ¤

SpiKY Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 16:54:19
noo Rani Cricket is an manly game, i dnt expect u will like it :p

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
Darcy Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 15:50:52
hey ranii cricket is good :P
Rani Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 15:47:36
cricket is boringgggggggggggggggggggg

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
SpiKY Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 15:42:44
Hey metz.. and BengalTiger... whats happening bros,
I am 20 from london.. working for DWP.
Weekend is so boring bruvz.. not much to do. all me mates are working n that.
LOL!! indian vs pakistan.. i heard that was a boring match ever but not really sure.
any way bruvs nice to meet u.
look after ur selfz.

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
BengaLTiger Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 15:24:08
Brummie wid a large tummy. :)

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
xxx_metz_xxx Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 14:06:30
hey metz...23, from london...hw old ru? wat do u do? hws ur weekend goin? hope its goin koool...i was watchin d cricket match indiaaaa are thrashing them!!! :D take it ez mate

¤ˇ.¸.ˇ°Lil Miss Giggles°ˇ.¸.ˇ¤

SpiKY Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 00:37:55
Hey NAZ bro hows it going..
hey FAZ nice to meet u mate.
Look after ur self u guys.

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
fazzy Posted - 27 Mar 2004 : 20:38:49
hi spiky...ows it goin...
im faz 19 frm d midlands

*.*Faz*.* :)
Rani Posted - 27 Mar 2004 : 19:25:47
lol az ok pick me up monday 8 am dont be late i don wanna leave u again hey nazzzzz wassup aiso ni tumi

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
Naz2kool Posted - 27 Mar 2004 : 19:13:17
Alrite Spiky bro ;)
Nice to see ya on the forum...


SpiKY Posted - 27 Mar 2004 : 17:16:12
LOL rani!! i forgot that we are in the same class in school!! daam how could i forget!

Nice to meet u YAZZ! i kno where kent is thnk u :)
Nice to meet u too Schalene.
Thank u for the HOT welcome :) :)
rani see u in school if u want me to pick u up.. u kno where i live ;)

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
schalene Posted - 27 Mar 2004 : 13:10:22
hi spiky,
this is schalene from Pakistan. I'm 24 and welcome to the forum though i'm my self receiving sweet welcomes these days!

I hope that you enjoy your stay here as i'm at the moment!


the thing that scares me makes me even sronger!
Rani Posted - 27 Mar 2004 : 12:05:01
spiky i live next door to u as u know lolll

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
Yazz Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 23:31:12
welcome Spiky, im 19 frm kent (if u dnt knw where that is dont worry most ppl dont!)

live and let live.....dont let ppl get you down!
SpiKY Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 23:25:41
oh KOOL!! nice too meet u Admin bro..
SKY met u b4 :) still thanx for the intro!

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
SKY Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 23:23:27
Im 20, from the US. I live in New York at times, and I live in North Carolina at times.

admin Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 23:20:45
Welcome to the forum Spiky! Hope you enjoy it!

Im 22, From Manchester.

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