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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 14:31:48
New question on the mini survery - check it out peeps - i know its a boring question, i'll get it changed with a new one in a couple of days - this survey is just to give us an idea od the age ranges!

Make sure u don't lie, otherwise i'll set me body guards babyraz and rano on ya!

"Still thinking of a signature!"
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tahin Posted - 28 Apr 2004 : 22:17:21
Originally posted by atz786

Yo am still 16, turnin 17 dis JULY when the sum will cum out and we all gna be chillin out in mile end park or west ham park (which eva 1 u lyk betta!) must b d yungest in ere......but hey i've seen a lot in life!


Yeh ati i know wat kind of things u been seein LOL!
Me an atz in da same college peeps so u beta watch out 4 da Bruvaz of Nothingness!

atz786 Posted - 28 Apr 2004 : 21:14:16
Yo am still 16, turnin 17 dis JULY when the sum will cum out and we all gna be chillin out in mile end park or west ham park (which eva 1 u lyk betta!) must b d yungest in ere......but hey i've seen a lot in life!

Tahin Posted - 28 Apr 2004 : 21:02:08
I turn 17 on da 23rd of May! But if i'm da MAN how come i can't get a blockbuster card! LOL! (8D)

Alz Posted - 28 Apr 2004 : 19:14:39
1 turn 17 on the 21st of june...i feel old
Inaya Posted - 26 Apr 2004 : 15:49:50
abs u act like a 50 90 yr old, u bura! datshis new name evry1 BURA!! wers buri abs?!

Fáshîôñ îs ôñ ôû® mîñds, ßéîñ ©û±îës îs ôû® kîñd, §ô s±ëp ásîdé áñd lë± ûs ±h®ô , Cûz î±s áll ábôû± më áñd my Cû±ë Åss C®ëw!
admin Posted - 26 Apr 2004 : 13:45:01
12?!?! hey ask openminded gal, she thinks i sound like im past 50! and you 12?! jeez, now i dunno what to think!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
fatimaRocks Posted - 26 Apr 2004 : 13:21:47
24 th June...isn't prince williams' bday?!!!! Ps maybe we should all have a joint party.
Ps abs.... you don't seem 55...maybe 12?!........LOL
admin Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 22:10:10
u bunch of babies, im 22 going onto 55!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Rani Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 21:10:49
wow me 3 @ sara and fatimarocks im 20 but 21 on 24th of june lol

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
fatimaRocks Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 12:25:37
Me too..sara! i'm 20 but 21 on the 6 june.....Freaky!!!!
sara Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 12:24:04
I'm 20..but 21 on the 6th june
Inaya Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 17:24:48
Originally posted by MoMo

Im da 14


i 13, n im, proud of it! nutin 2 be upset bout!

Fáshîôñ îs ôñ ôû® mîñds, ßéîñ ©û±îës îs ôû® kîñd, §ô s±ëp ásîdé áñd lë± ûs ±h®ô , Cûz î±s áll ábôû± më áñd my Cû±ë Åss C®ëw!
xxx_metz_xxx Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 14:39:55
im 23!

¤·.¸.·°Líl Mí$$ Gígglé$°·.¸.·¤

ú nééd 2 stáy ón my wáy, cós my wáys dá híghwáy!!!
Mister Relaxed Posted - 18 Apr 2004 : 19:21:22

"Lifes easy when you're me"
MoMo Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 19:36:36
uh huh.....guna b 15 on 16th June tho!!woohoooo
BengaLTiger Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 00:40:34
14? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
MoMo Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 10:46:09
Im da 14

ClueLeSs Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 03:40:04
19...last year of my teen ..siiighhh
sonia Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 02:41:29
And i am 18...X

~*!¡!¤ > U Ðónt Knów Whát U'v Gót †i|| i†§ GóÑ€...--> ~*!¡!¤
asaduddin Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 00:14:04
i'm probaly the youngest, i'm 17

Asad Uddin
Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 22:24:52
hehe, good, as long as most people know and understand

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:51:42
fair enough...ill give you that one.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:50:14

yep, cause you know, i dont want others to think you're calling US fags an niggers

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:49:19
that works too. but you know you got my sentence. you just want the others to enjoy it too, dont you? awww thats so considerate.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:48:05
hmmm, your sentence was a bit confusing, let me re write it:

agreed. let him respond tho, before flaming him like the KKK would to a bunch of fags and blacks at a Klan Rally.

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:44:53
agreed. let him respond tho, before flaming him like a bunch of fags and blacks at a KKK meeting.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:43:36

exactly, i wudnt make fun of his economical status or his parents if he hadn't done it...

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:42:17
awww dude, theres no point in talking about economic status...insult him, not his family. this is why i hate kids like nitrouss. they'll insult you and your mom, dragging your family into the battle. then they cant keep up, and end up dying in shame. wait..we win regardless...nevermind, carry on.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:40:25

beautifully put, but i feel bad making fun of a poor litle 16 year old whos families on wellfare... =/

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:39:01
na brea me not liddo kid frm wst l0nDOn word wesside?

f*** that. and f*** you. =)

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