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T O P I C    R E V I E W
khilari Posted - 22 Jun 2004 : 01:48:09
everyone's been goin on about how dirty it is

but its no dirtier than most of today's hindi movies, like jism etc

the only "new" thing is the whole girl-girl thing

the story line is rubbish btw as is the acting

psycho lesbian tries to kill girlfriend's lover-type thing... lol

any1 else seen it?

"Only the dead have seen the end of war"

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Amina Posted - 08 Oct 2004 : 17:46:51

live life 2 d ful xtent
Fabia Posted - 08 Oct 2004 : 08:51:48

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
Amina Posted - 07 Oct 2004 : 22:59:08

live life 2 d ful xtent
Fabia Posted - 04 Oct 2004 : 13:46:12
i mite2

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
jemsbhai Posted - 04 Oct 2004 : 04:38:31
u should

Maybe life is just a dream
Amina Posted - 03 Oct 2004 : 21:36:46
nope.avnt seen it

Originally posted by khilari

everyone's been goin on about how dirty it is

but its no dirtier than most of today's hindi movies, like jism etc

the only "new" thing is the whole girl-girl thing

the story line is rubbish btw as is the acting

psycho lesbian tries to kill girlfriend's lover-type thing... lol

any1 else seen it?

"Only the dead have seen the end of war"


live life 2 d ful xtent
Fabia Posted - 02 Oct 2004 : 12:27:56

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
fuj Posted - 02 Oct 2004 : 12:20:12
Amina Posted - 29 Jul 2004 : 15:02:54

live life 2 d ful xtent
Fabia Posted - 26 Jul 2004 : 02:09:58
hmmm true.......

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
jemsbhai Posted - 22 Jun 2004 : 01:57:38
actually, the strange part abt it is that such a story actually happened in yes u guessed it the bastion(?) of islam Iran!!

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