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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 15 Mar 2004 : 08:51:12
safe every1.... dis tanya...messin da place up
ow ya all doin? lol i dnt no wat 2 say....
anyways start me off chatin n i wont shut up.....
take care............layyytazz

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 01 May 2004 : 16:46:38
hey every 1...............y u al welcumin me??? lolzzzzz
ALISHA_NIQ, Kya-Reh, Alz..............u all aiight??? me gud.....
js all ov ya keep ritin man.....lolzzzzzzz
so wa du all do???

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
ALISHA_NIQ Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 11:05:20
hi and welcome

"Live and Let Live....As LIfe is to Short...Never forget your roots"
Kya-Reh Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 10:55:03
hey miss tanya sori for the late welcome but welcome to the forum!

*Allah knows Best*
Alz Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 21:29:47
Hey Lil Mizz Tanya, how it going....
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 21:12:22
oooooooooook..............tahin....soooo.........was i sopose2 undastand all dat???lolz
nah cooolll.............u b a gud boy n do ya assingmentrs!!!!
everyyyyyyyyyyyy bodys bin missin me------i can telll!!!!!!!!!!!

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
Tahin Posted - 29 Apr 2004 : 12:36:57
Wasgwanin LIL MISS TANYA! Have u been hittin up green cos mayn u sound headlicked 2 me! Rati dis place is poppin rite now! Mayn is jammin in college jus gotta do finish off ma assignments an i'm all cool! Super cool

LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 17:40:21
woooooooooo hooooooooooooo...... dr is sum 1 out dr.....lolzzzzz
yea bengal tiger u av greetd its ok u can do it special.....lolzzzz
fazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy u stink!!!!bt yea im missin d bad smelll!!!!lolzzzzzzz
hey name lolzzzz......

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
fazzy Posted - 20 Apr 2004 : 21:32:01
tanya....woooooo.... u mis

*.*Faz*.* :)
BengaLTiger Posted - 20 Apr 2004 : 18:36:43
Have i greeted tanya yet? hmmmm let me check, damn its 3 pages long. Oh wat the hell, welcome to the forum tanya.

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
chitku Posted - 20 Apr 2004 : 18:30:51

Tke d dayz as it cumZ
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 20 Apr 2004 : 18:21:28
eloooooooooo ppl??? is any1 out dr??? yoooooooou hooooooooo

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 21:08:06
half pakistani n wat else? me bengail

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
xXxMissy QxXx Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 20:11:13
yeh me half pakistani......

*§omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True..§omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You*
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 19:18:57
aigggggggggght then....tke it ur pakistani?
everyyyyyyyyy 1 eless u aighttttttttttttttttttttttt???

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
xXxMissy QxXx Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 14:47:47
hey Tanya u aight gurl...? da Q standz 4 ma surname....nd 4 dis crew in Pakistan nd london....

*§omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True..§omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You*
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 21:43:16
me frm d uk @ missy q....wats d q stand 4???
hey mr relaxed.....u aiight???
bad boy killa y du wana now bout metz???????
silent sinna every1 luvs ma style......lozzzz
me gud ppl......ope ur all ok......c yaaaaaaaaaa......

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
xXxMissy QxXx Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 19:49:14
Wag1 tany wot u saying kwll...where u from gurl?

*§omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True..§omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You*
Bad Boy Killer Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 19:38:06
hu is xxx metz xxxx
Mister Relaxed Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 17:01:02
Hey Lil Mizz not a "yo-yo" kinda im just gona greet you with a hi,howz it goin?..hope thats cool with you..take care.."keep it real?"

LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 16:38:56
elo......cnt b lng so........ppl...i no u all luv me.....heheheheh
ermmmmmmmmmmmm me bin in manchesta4da last couple of days......dats bout went2 a wedin......................lolzzzz ok

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
silentsinner Posted - 11 Apr 2004 : 20:20:55
Damn, I like yur style,lol. Dont flatter yurself here .. itz jus a means to get to u. Gals like flattery, dun they ? I'll bet !!

I am doin literally nothin these dayz ... doin a few stuff , I guess thtz none of yur business, lol. I am well n truly into frnds ... enjoyin it !!

Lemme knw abt u if u hv anything intrestin to share ... Tanya !!

"I jumped in the river and what did I see? Black-eyed angels swam with me ....."
Shah Sahab Posted - 10 Apr 2004 : 21:48:12
hi tanya
PureCheekyness Posted - 08 Apr 2004 : 22:09:18
chill out girl i was only messin.

an believe me i can take piss i was born and breaded in a getto, lived the ruff life, an u dont wana mess.

jus here killin tym
lilmill Posted - 08 Apr 2004 : 20:47:59
not bad mo mo and HA HA very funny :/
MoMo Posted - 08 Apr 2004 : 19:05:13
hey lilmill.....das kool.....was ur hair blue aswell? u doin neways....n tanya 2?
lilmill Posted - 08 Apr 2004 : 18:06:27
hey lil mizz tanya, ye it does it's stands ofr little millhouse, cause when i was a likkle kid i used to look jus like him hair, glasses the lot how you doin anyways
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 08 Apr 2004 : 17:41:18

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 08 Apr 2004 : 14:53:00
yo ppl wer ya all gne????

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
LiL_MizZ_TaNyA Posted - 07 Apr 2004 : 00:11:47 lemme c.....
ok ok...i wnt say nufin nasty bak......wer messin...rite?
sooooooooo d future.....wel im js gana go wid d flow.....n B DA RUDE GAL DAT I AM......dnt lyk it....then u no wer2 shove it....

SiNgLe, SeXy N SwEET aT 16..... Im Da QUEeN WiD DA BLinG BLinG...da ReaL RuDe GyAL WiV Da cEll FnE RiNg-InG.....WhiLe I SiT oN mA ThRoNe SinG-InG....Im BLessEd iN mA fLesH... So DnT MeSS.... I AM Da BEST....
PureCheekyness Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 22:41:39
therez more in life than obsession ur lukz. an girl let sum nxt guy tell ya how u luk, instead ov the bloody lieing mirra!!

oh the guy mite be saying u luk buff
but we all kno what he wants, its the muff!!!

get the drift?

i aint trying to say anything bad, an no hard feelingz an i aint trying to be rude, its jus the way u need to talk to these hard girl wana bez with big time attitude!!

no offense girl im only messin killin tym.

so girl do u hav any REAL future ambitions?? - Asian Forum © Asian Forum
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