T O P I C R E V I E W |
admin |
Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 15:54:09
Well are they?
"Still thinking of a signature!"
12 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
zEnAb |
Posted - 17 May 2004 : 17:00:51
tru foxy we dont see it thru our parents point of view
if we just thought ...
if i had a child n he/she did dis,dat n da otha hw wud i tke it
wud i alow it etc
mayb we need 2 see our parents point of view
n dey need 2 see our pt of view aswel
works both ways id say!!!!
miss_foxy |
Posted - 03 May 2004 : 18:46:09
yea agree with miss unique!
parents act for our best,but we dont see it that way at teh time, its cos we bin brought up in a different society than them so bin brought up with different views,but if i think my parents are wrong i do tell em my thoughts and explain things from my way before having a tantrum!!!lol
im foxy, fun and FINE!!!
MissUnique |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 03:19:15
parents r always rite, even if dey wrong get it! lol
got confused! i mean dey give u love and care dey will kno wat is best 4 u! i mean i kno my mum knos me beta dan myself, if u cud understand dat!
yeah sure we live in dis day n age thinking we kno everything, abt ppl and da world but we dnt, we act on our emotions thinking we want dat! like wen ur young n u wan dat latest toy but dey wnt let u coz dey kno dat u'l get spoiled! its not dat dey cant afford it!
Posted - 19 Apr 2004 : 09:26:34
Like what Admin says
"98% of the time i am right, don't worry about the other 3%"
Majority of the time parents are rightm just takes us time as stubborn kids to acknowledge that
"Live and Let Live....As LIfe is to Short...Never forget your roots"
london-finest |
Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 11:07:21
parents may or may not be right but when parents do something for there kids, they do it for the best, well mstly parents know whats good for there kids, after all they are the one thats traised us since we are in our cradle and will look after us untill we go to our grave, u see for a parents a kid no matter how old he/she is they are still a baby.
finest out
BaByRaZ |
Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 22:57:27
parents can b rite n can b rong... but der main aim is so dey can protect us!!!
n dey av der own unique way of doin it...
cannyshah |
Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 18:58:09
i agreed all of them... my opinon is that parents are rite in most of the cases and they take decision about his experiences... most of the experience are very good and some of are not good... but they always do right thing for children but children can not understand at that time ....
Inaya |
Posted - 24 Mar 2004 : 16:03:12
I think dat parents are mostly rite but they can also be rong sometimes!Like if they want u have an education n bla bla bla, then i think there rite bout dat coz it helps u wen ur older n u can have a life in stead of living in a poxy hole but wen parents say u sudnt go out wid bois n stuff, i think dats rong coz its ur life n u can do wot ya want, n it aint a crime fallin in love but 2 parents like mine its the biggest crime that a person can do!lol! So i think parents can be rite n they can be rong!
Posted - 21 Mar 2004 : 23:57:41
Its difficult to say if parents are always right, or right even most of the time. Its true that they speak from experience, but their experience is from like 20 years ago, so it might not apply to any of today's situations. the thing is though, they DO want what's best for their children, unless theyre really screwed up in the head or something...
Um yeah well, I'd say that they're right most of the time. you need to apply your judgement too, along with theirs, to a situation and figure it out for yourself.
khushi |
Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 14:20:15
lol rani
u're rite 
~~ aai re aai re khushi ~~
Rani |
Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 23:35:12
well parents allways think they r right, they beleive what ever they say to us do for is is for the good. they do it for us. most of the times they r right. even if they r wrong still they r right . isnt that right? im sick and tired of saying right im going left now
am i muddling u guys up im muddled up myself
ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
khushi |
Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 16:20:56
in wat sense
generally yes they r
but it also depends on kids how they take it
~~ aai re aai re khushi ~~