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admin Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 16:07:20
Get ur butts in here and help these poeple out will ya starting with BabyRaz!

"Still thinking of a signature!"
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jemsbhai Posted - 28 Apr 2004 : 21:52:03
what to do if you are overwhelmed by popups and dont know what to do:
1: turn off computer. use the power switch. or better still, unplug from wall socket.
2: take your computer(monitor and all) to the nearest pawn shop
3: bargain for atleast 300$ (or ur pound equivalent)
4: get that mountain bike u always wanted to have but could never save enough for

maybe life is just a dream
biboi Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 22:30:46
hey bro where u talkin 2 me bout dat trojan ting??
coz i went to do the site and its tellin me to dwnload sum CWSHREDDER..
i dnt kno if its safe to dwnload since ur da obvious expert i wanderin ifits safe to use???
admin Posted - 19 Apr 2004 : 01:37:04
u've got a lovely trojan on ur computer:

read this:

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
biboi Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 18:27:42
hey i was wandering if ne1 cud help me wid ma prob!

i try to go onto sum website(includin hotmail) and i keep gettin a Dialogue box with a red cicle with a white cross inside it sayin... INTERNET EXPLORER CANNOT OPEN THE INTERNET SITE followed by the sites adress and then uderneath it it says OPERATION ABORTED.

can sum1 plz help me out coz i dnt kno how i can get into ma hotmail and stuff n its really annoyin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BengaLTiger Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 23:54:20
The above method is a way to manually remove a certain bot. Most bots are compressed, and encrypted to confuse even the most up to date virus scanners. And even killing firewalls. Before doing what itís suppose to do.

Be careful, out there, in the wilderness, and amongst the many wolves which prowl the wires, looking for its next victim. Because Iíll tell you, itís a pretty sight, seeing over 10,000 victims sitting helpless in some server. Waiting to be used and abused. Used, and engaged in there own little cyber wars. Be careful.

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
BengaLTiger Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 23:47:31
Enable all hidden files to be shown. Tools > Options > View > Show all files/hidden.

Open C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32, Click last modified tab.

Select the spybot file, which when compressed should be roughly 25k minimum in size.

Since some pricks donít allow you to view task list or msconfig, then you have no choice but to rename it.

Or, start > run > msconfig, and if the .exe is stopping you from entering to either this or your task list. Reboot your system.

Now try unticking the exe, from start-up process, and delete it from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder :)

Problem solved.

MS-DOS prompts commands:

Netstat -an ---------- (to check all active connections)
If you notice, something like this for instance

Port 6667, is a common IRC port. And it is likely that the malicious .exe which is running, hidden in the background has already connected to the botnet masters server. Awaiting commands to be issued to it. Like.

Startkeylogger, sniffing and logging your every key stroke

And the most common one :)

Syn 100 80 99999, syn packet flood ip delay 100, port 80, and 9999 times. Utilising your connection, totally lagging you to death, until you reboot your system.

I have modified and worked closely with spybot, as well as many other malicious bots in the past. And Iím confident that with a little knowledge youíll forget this stigma that everyone seems to have about viruses. Which also comes attached with most virus awareness sites. Remember they are easier to remove, then to have one infect you. If you have the know how that is.

Donít accept files with the .COM extension. COM is another extension for .EXE

Make sure your running a good firewall like Zone Alarm.

Firewalls are good in the sense where they alert the user, of all new connections going out as well as incoming ones. And the name of the file which is responsible, allowing you to stop it and be aware that something just isnít right.

I hope this has helped. And if you need any further guidance, then let us know.

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
Lutonian Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 22:41:12
Originally posted by admin

depends on the type of pop-ups you're getting and their content.

If you get simple pop-up with just text inside them then one solution is the one asadudin gave u. That stops messenger pop-ups.

To stop other pop-ups such as the ones that look like browser windows you can download the Google toolbar from

You may also be receiving pop-ups because of spyware in that case you need to download AdAware from

Download the standard free version and install, check for updates and then run the scan and remove all the spyware.

Make sure you also have virus scanning software on your pc, even some types of viruses advertise pop-ups.

Another way of stopping messenger (NOT MSN Messenger) pop-ups is by enabling or installing a firewall.

If you are using windows XP click Start>Control Panel>Network Conections>Right click your connection>Click advanced and enable firewall.

So summary-

Enable firewall to stop messenger pop-ups
Run virus scanning software to remove and protect from viruses
Run AdAware to remove spyware
Install Google Toolbar to stop web site pop-ups

And jobs a good-un!

"Still thinking of a signature!"

Agreed about using AdAware but it doesn't catch all spyware. Worth using 2 apps to kill spyware. The second that I would recommend is Spybot Search & Destroy. Get it free from here:

SKY Posted - 24 Mar 2004 : 01:25:35
What we like at...? What do you mean? Are you asking what our experiences in this field are? I suppose we're pretty familiar with solving computer problems if its a minor. If it's a hardware problem, say you dropped your computer because youre a douche, then just burn it.

admin Posted - 23 Mar 2004 : 17:27:26
Sky, Shea, what you guys like at solving computer problems?

"Still thinking of a signature!"
SKY Posted - 23 Mar 2004 : 07:01:54
to this day, i have never needed to stop and continue DL's at a later time. even way back like in 2000 when i was on dial up.


im such an elitist asshole =)

Shea Posted - 22 Mar 2004 : 23:13:23
haha, agreed!

For me opera is great because it can stop and continue DL's, kinda like that bittorent program as well as mozilla and such. I highly recomend it for you modem users!

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I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 22 Mar 2004 : 00:03:07
i still use IE with the google pop up use opera, but im on cable and aol high speed and sometimes campus T3 connections, so i...i dont really care. =)

Shea Posted - 20 Mar 2004 : 05:37:45
yeah, Opera has some great features. I am a dial up user, and Opera increases the DL speed by at least 1 to 2 kbs. Also, pop can be blocked or accepted by hitting F12, so for those sneaky sites that you NEED the pop ups for, just do that. The advert is NOT a big deal and most of the time, you wont even notice it. What i do to ignore it is to change the skin to IE skin so everything is small and the advert becomes less of an eye sore.

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
admin Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 23:19:53
The alternative browser sky is talking about is called Opera, its very fast, but the only drawback is that it has an advert right at the top!

"Still thinking of a signature!"
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 18:23:12
In my experience, the Google pop up blocker is the best. Theres another type of internet explorer called Oracle or some thing if youre on regular Dial Up. Might wanna look into that.

admin Posted - 18 Mar 2004 : 10:15:52
depends on the type of pop-ups you're getting and their content.

If you get simple pop-up with just text inside them then one solution is the one asadudin gave u. That stops messenger pop-ups.

To stop other pop-ups such as the ones that look like browser windows you can download the Google toolbar from

You may also be receiving pop-ups because of spyware in that case you need to download AdAware from

Download the standard free version and install, check for updates and then run the scan and remove all the spyware.

Make sure you also have virus scanning software on your pc, even some types of viruses advertise pop-ups.

Another way of stopping messenger (NOT MSN Messenger) pop-ups is by enabling or installing a firewall.

If you are using windows XP click Start>Control Panel>Network Conections>Right click your connection>Click advanced and enable firewall.

So summary-

Enable firewall to stop messenger pop-ups
Run virus scanning software to remove and protect from viruses
Run AdAware to remove spyware
Install Google Toolbar to stop web site pop-ups

And jobs a good-un!

"Still thinking of a signature!"
asaduddin Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 20:40:26
if u have XP
use the below steps
tell me how it goes

Windows XP Home
1. Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel
2. Click Performance and Maintenance
3. Click Administrative Tools
4. Double click Services Scroll
5. down and highlight "Messenger"
6. Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
7. Click the STOP button.
8. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar
9. Click OK
khushi Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 16:27:56
how do i stop flippin' pop ups
they get on ma nerves

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