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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 10:33:53
Samink gan wong wit ya computa? Don't panic, we're here to help ya! Just tell us what it is and im sure there are a few computer brainiacs that can help u out!
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 23:47:41
keep up the good work insomniac! its good to know we can rely on ya for all our computer problems!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Insomniac Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 23:26:34
no problem!, glad i could help

"If the movies have taught us anything, it's either never press the big red button or always press the big red button. Follow this simple rule and you can never go wrong."
Openminded_gal Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 23:25:29
Ok cool, thanks for the help insomniac!!

So many guys are eligiable for dating but not many who reach the standard for the
lifetime committment of marriage.


Insomniac Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 23:20:56
128 is really low for todays standards, you need a minimum of 512 now. Its not that expensive to buy, only around £40 or so.

Im not doing comp sci but im doing comp networking so it was close!

"If the movies have taught us anything, it's either never press the big red button or always press the big red button. Follow this simple rule and you can never go wrong."
Openminded_gal Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 23:18:29
Insomniac, it says 128 RAM so are you doing comp sci, was i right?? lol

So many guys are eligiable for dating but not many who reach the standard for the
lifetime committment of marriage.


Insomniac Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 23:15:57
Ok do this, Right Click on My Computer and select Properties. A box will appear and from there you'll be able to see how much RAM you have. The general rule for RAM memory is the more you have the better.

Reply back with the amount of RAM you have and i'll tell you how desperate in need your computer is for more RAM. Also it isnt that expensive to buy, just dont get someone to install it for you cos you can easily do it yourself. :)

"If the movies have taught us anything, it's either never press the big red button or always press the big red button. Follow this simple rule and you can never go wrong."
Openminded_gal Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 22:55:04
yeah i have a problem, does anyone know what this means. My computer keeps saying low on memopry and it doesn't let me open many programs at once, what does that mean? Where can i check memoory? and why should it be low on memory?? Any ideas brainiacs, especially the comp sci ones (since most asians guys do that!!! lol).

So many guys are eligiable for dating but not many who reach the standard for the
lifetime committment of marriage.


SKY Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 21:59:29
nah, no problems. sall good.

Rani Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 17:07:07
lol yeh thats true . well they dont need to know all thatt do they .

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
BengaLTiger Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 14:05:21
sell it off????

who would wanna buy a pc off me sis lol hahahahaha !! they'll need one hefty virus scanner .... dangerous

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////

Rani Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 01:28:27
smash ur pc up then ur pc wont have a hold to u or sell it off

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
BengaLTiger Posted - 25 Mar 2004 : 23:23:35
Yes i have a problem. The problem is my computer just doesn't want to let me go. What shall i do? any suggestions folks.

BTW my computer, she's called Boobly

EoOow dont ask me why :) bebys got a mind of its own. And with 800DRAM she's pretty smart and doesn't lag like your old grannys do. Pentium 2's and 3's heh.

he he he
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 17:18:03
Guys if you're having trouble with your PCs, heres something you can do: Run the little cd that came with it, you know, the system restore cd. make backups on DVDs if you have a burner, or regular cds and clean everything off your pc to return it to its factory conditions. then you can install whatever crap you had on it in the first place. If this doesnt work, run norton/ or some adware detection crap, delete all the harmful stuff and defrag your PC. If this fails, get a large magnet and run it over the side of your PC where the harddrive is. It'll do wonders for the processing speed.

If all fails, trash it, get a new one.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 17:14:46

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 17:12:07
My computer touches me when I'm asleep. That's ok though, I return the favor every chance I get.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 16:46:26
My computer is messed up...

It keeps telling me to kill... kill...

I inserted a CD and it spat out shards, which resembled a sharp blade. It said that... I needed to kill...

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
admin Posted - 18 Mar 2004 : 10:08:29
raz we should take ur computer away and give u a pen and paper instead!

"Still thinking of a signature!"
Rani Posted - 18 Mar 2004 : 00:01:33
lol babyraz ive rebooted 4 or 5 times now lol i download 2 many songss gets so slowwwww and really irritates me so i reboot it again

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
BaByRaZ Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 15:35:30
Hiya... dats not fair i always av a problem wiv d bastoor computaa!!! iv rebooted 3tyms now in d las 3mahinez!! dnt trust d computer!!! it neva does wat u want!! grrrrr
Rani Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 15:07:09
yep she my sis

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
khushi Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 14:23:10
after all shes ma sis

innit rani

~~ aai re aai re khushi ~~

admin Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 14:17:05
more great advice from rani!
khushi Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 13:59:49
hehe thanx 4 ur suggestion
i waz juz kidding

~~ aai re aai re khushi ~~

Rani Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 13:57:45
lol khushi isnt that suppose to be good . ok i got a solution download loads of music mp3 files and ur pc will eventually become slow . download films too will make the pc slow :). having a fast pc is a good thing lol

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
khushi Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 13:15:52
yes i ave a prob
my comp seems to be VERY fast
wot to do??

~~ aai re aai re khushi ~~ - Asian Forum © Asian Forum
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