T O P I C R E V I E W |
Naz |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 16:37:58
It annoys me soooooooo much how guys can do whateva they like and when eva they like! A guy can stay out till 2 in the morning and the parents wont say nefin but if its a girl then she would get told off, asked about a million questions and f*** knows what else! I have a m8 where her bro is a prick, he sleeps around wit girls and does whateva he wants n sometimes he neva comes home but the girl isnt allowed to go out at all! The mother once found a blonde piece of hair on the guys bed but she didnt sey nefin to him! If that was the girl then f*** knows what would have happened to her! Y do muslim parents treat the girls and the guys differently wen the muslim rules are for both genders!
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26 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Mister Relaxed |
Posted - 27 Apr 2004 : 21:50:01
do we???...we must be good at covering up then i guess...
hmm...never really worked for me tho!...not really done much wrong though...
besides more along the points...my parents have got me locked..hey if the parents have serious difficulties in child raising...thts a root issue tht needs to be rectified...
"Lifes easy when you're me"
cheeky gal |
Posted - 27 Apr 2004 : 11:53:11
i fink boys get away wiv more bcos parents feel dat girls need protectin and at da end of da day its very easy 4 a gal 2 get a reputation wich cud cause all sorts of prolems l8r (ie wen gettin married). N i suppose it shows dat ur parents care bout u n r lukin out 4 ur wel bein! but is does sumtimes take da piss wen u c just how much guyz can get away wiv! its simply a case of double standars!
women who seek 2 b equal 2 men, lack ambition!
Posted - 27 Apr 2004 : 11:41:12
hey dis topic is cool... i completly agree wid MoMo ... us gals r treated soo differntly dan boys dey can go out come home realllyy l8 nd dey dnt get any questions asked bt gals... we hav 2 stay at home .. cook, clean da usual... nd if we go out once nd we come bk l8 (nd im nt sayin 2am ... aroum 9/10) we hav 2 ansa a 100 q's!
dat is sooo nt fair!!
ChiCcO |
Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 11:45:09
what r v talkin about here again?
admin |
Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 11:44:03
keeping the opinions coming people!
"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Posted - 07 Apr 2004 : 03:41:24
Bloody Hell, I C Dis Subject Is Attracting Loads Of Attension! I Cant B Arsed 2 Read So Much But I Just Gota Say 1 Ting, Mayb Its True Wot Naz Sed N De Asian Parents R 2 Strict On De Gals But Our Job Is 2 Learn Frm Theyr Mistakes (2 Da Gals>>) Instead Of Moaning About It. Wateva U Do 2 Ur Kids Wen U Get Dem, Mek Sure Dey Dont Get Spoiled Like De Gorez Kids!!!
.::: K33P1N 1T R34L :::.
kashif |
Posted - 07 Apr 2004 : 02:32:17
This is a reply to Naz's originals post.
The answer is simple: Honour. Okay, so it isn't fair. Hell, it has nothing to do with Islam, cos as you know men are supposed to be treated equally to women (and visa versa). But, there is a hint of truth in that way of thinking, cos at the end of the day, it is the girl's virginity being taken and when she is married and doesn't 'pop' to her husband, he will divorce her straight away thinking shes slept around before getting married. I'm not saying that the guy divorcing her straight away is right, all I'm saying is that it's very naive for a woman to think she can act like a man and it not have long term implications. As you know, marriage and family ties is very important in asian cultures, and when a woman is divorced it is very difficult for her to get married again because she is seen as 'damaged goods' (again not my way of thinking, so plz don't jump to conclusions).
Look, there are moral and religious opinions on sleeping around, and I think it best be avoided anyway - but then again I'm not one to talk being a model an all... I've done some bad things in my time, so I'm not here to judge anyone.
admin |
Posted - 07 Apr 2004 : 01:11:08
Maybe itz men hu shud b kept at home n givin harsher restrictions.....2 stop dem doin such stupid tings!!!!!!!!!!
Thats definately another option. all u say is tru momo.
The problem is this world is full of people who are barbaric, stupid, naive and careless, and it makes a truly dangerous place to be for both men and women.
But the world is more dangerous for a woman where there is barbaric men. Just compare rape cases, how many men do u hear getting raped and killed by women?
"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
~Baby Anjali~ |
Posted - 07 Apr 2004 : 01:10:14
sum parents have this weird thought dat brothers can look after their lil sis n therefore can go out n stuff etc
I dun have any siblings but my friends who r like mah bro's r allowed 2 go out, come home at 4 am no questions asked! But me, I ain't even allowed to go 2 mah frendz party coz there's alcohol dere.
I think it's coz parents think girls r more vulnerable and stuff, their sons can apparently look after themselves as well as their lil sisters. But it ain't juz a parent thing, I mean, I dun even have a bro but mah friend..OMG he's so damn overprotective! I ain't allowed to go out at night after 9:00 unless he's there too and I ain't allowed to really go to parties where there r boys around and when we were in london in wembley! OMG he held my arm so tight, he wouldn't let me wonder alone or nuthin and he's dere so dat guys won't look at me etc...quite stupid actually!
I guess more than maturity it's all abt safety...
MoMo |
Posted - 07 Apr 2004 : 00:01:31
I acknowledge and understand ur opinions on dis issue boys bt i totally disagree.......in dis kinda society dat kind of behaviour 2 me....isnt protection......its beyond protection...itz reached a point where its genderal segregation and da oppression of asain gals...
i totally understand wat Rani goes thru....im never allowed out after dark......das even if i tell ma rentz im guna b round ma m8s house where her mum is n where ill get a lift der n back.....n wen i am allowed out itz only 4 a few hours...n i have 2 tell dem where n wen...meanwhile ma bro's can go out all day n not say a word...
n it isnt evn da goin out ting.....dis sexism xists in all aspects of asain culture....no offense tiger...but dont sit der n condone dis kind of sexist behaviour....cuz trust me if u were a girl u wudnt b sayin dat....maybe itz jst me speakin personallly bt wen i get treated different 2 ma bro's it makes me feel lyk s***...
im 14 n i have more responsibilities within my family n home lyf den my 16 n 18 yr old bro's.....i had 2 grow up wen i was fukin 11..while dey can probably go out n hav fun n act lyk boys until dey reach 22 or wen jst b4 dey marry.........while girls lyk us have 2 b resposible 4 our family's gud name,honour,house work and uda crap lyk dat from n early age....dyu honestly fink das fair?
We were created n put on dis earth 2 experience lyf n learn from it....how can us women do tht wid so many restrictions...if men can have da ryt 2 experience n make mistakes den wy shudnt we? n i no ur guna say cuz itz a big bad world out der....well how we guna learn a damn ting n becum stronger n more well-rounded women if we dont have dat chance.....men can get hurt n make as many mistake as women do....how many asian youths dyu fink belong 2 sum gansta wannabe gang n do drug n all dat kinda s***?
Either ways u wanna put it...dis world is equally lykly 2 effect both da sexes....eg a hell of a lot of asain boys r gettin stabbed n shot n das becuz guys r stupid enuf 2 get demselves in2 dat s***...bt either ways it doesnt make dem ne safer.....actually it makes dem more in danger.....i tink a lot of u guys under-estimate our common sense, our ability 2 protect ourselves n do da ryt tings and also our intelligence!!!
I mean...most women r not so naive that thy beleive it is a perfect world out der..hello!!!!! we're smart enuf 2 no not 2 walk home alone at 2 in da mornin....not 2 let sum random freak take us away n also not 2 walk in2 dangerous situations....allah did also bless females wid a brain 2 u no!!...most of u guys seem 2 fink of women as helpless dumb damsils hu need 2 b protected 24/7 becuz dey r incapable of bein responsible n trusted enuf 2 go out der n live lyf...god forbid dat we shud actually enjoy da same tings men can!!.....god forbid dat we actualy go out der n have sum fun without havin 2 worry bout wat da old gossipin buddhe's say bout our families honour!!!!.....
Bt it ent lyk tht isit....da same sexist views tht xisted centuries ago styl xist 2day....n it is dese kinds of male-dominated attitudes tht are stoppin gr8 tings n dat r makin a hell of a lot of young asain gals miserable........try n tink of it from our point of veiw......honestly tink bout da tings dat we have 2 endure....
Dis attitude concernin gender roles is not born from religous beleif.....cuz as Naz stated all da laws in islam r 4 both gender...n our religion promotes equality...not sexism or chauvinism.......raaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...........dese kind of attitudes r from ancient ignorance within ancient cultures which should have evolved with the future...however i dont understnad wy dis change hasnt occured?.....i find it absolutley unjust dat us women shud suffer 4 the misgivings and barbaric behaviour of men!!!
Maybe itz men hu shud b kept at home n givin harsher restrictions.....2 stop dem doin such stupid tings!!!!!!!!!!
london-finest |
Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 00:49:42
gals and boys are different then each other gals are more vonurable thats why they need more protecion in asian culture girls are seen as the pride of the family so on and so forth
Check OuT
BengaLTiger |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 23:59:20
Parents mentality regarding there child’s well being might go some what along the lines of. Rani's little brother should be ok staying out late, without worrying about other guys troubling him. Where as rani, is at a higher risk of being troubled, if she was to stay out late with her mates. And in this day and age, to think a young woman is safe out there, or allowed to be treated like her brothers. Well, it’s just not feasible in my opinion. Take a look at all the child rapes, kidnappings, and murders. Ever switched on your TV, turning to BBC1 news or any other national news! To hear, 2 young boys have been kidnapped, and suspected dead? Rare. The monsters out there folks, are all men. And there victims? All women. So wake up, and let go of this we should be all equal nonsense. Because you are equal. So what’s the problem? Your victims, because of the actions of man. When men change, then can you come to the table, and negotiate a going out time limit, treaty with your parents. 
I can’t wait for the future. A time of Pre-teen party animals, boys, and girls demanding to be allowed to go out all night and come home with the milk-float? 
//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
khuram |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 22:00:05
naz i'm sure most girls have asked this question at one time or another in their lives and to be honest it is different for girls coz think of it from the parents point of view.. they dnt want strangers eyeing up their daughters, etc! thats the main reason!
kitne admi te kaliya!
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 21:52:00
Gals N Bois Aint De Same. A Girl Mayb More Mature Dan A Boi Etc But At The End Of The Day Da Gal Wont B Safe @ 2am In Da Morning
(I Dunt Tink A Rapist Wud Pik A Boi Ova A Beautiful Gal Walkin Down The Street)
I Agree Wid SKY Too
.::: K33P1N 1T R34L :::.
Naz |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 21:47:41
yeh i surpose bengal tiger has raised an important issue but look at what rani sed! Her bro is allowed out til 9-10 and she like what 20 and shes not allowed to go out without tellin her parents! Y the hell sud that be right?! She is older than her lil bro so she sud surely get the same treatment as her bro!
p.s- i like ur comment sky!!! lol!
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admin |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 21:29:38
yes i agree with naz, but look at the points bengal tiger has raised, its not a simple issue, u have to look at how the whole world is and analyse the who what where when why how and you'll begin to understand the concepts and ways of thinking.
sky, try to be little more serious! thanks!
"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 21:21:58
Guys and girls aren't the same. Girls are so much more fun to kiss!
and do other stuff with.
d p
Naz |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 21:17:44
thanx rani! yeh girls and guys r the same to me too!
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Rani |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 21:08:31
im with naz on this one. its just not fair the way girls are treated . guys can do anything they want. but girls cant. a guy gets to stay out late and if the girl stays out as soon as it gets dark parentss go crazy. also girls allways have to tell them where they going what they doing who they going with not fair. my parents dont let me go out alonee this isnt right, my 13 year old brother goes out comes home 9 10 they dont say anything to him, jsut because we r girls doesnt mean we should be treated different to guys. to me guys and girls are same
ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
BengaLTiger |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 18:06:15
Hear me out!! :)
Girls are more responsible, and mature then most boys.
Girls are more considerate, and kind hearted then most boys.
Girls are more understanding and responsible then most boys.
Girls are more trusting and more affectionate then most boys.
But why is it, a girl is more likely to be the centre of debate, and attention. When she does something wrong. Or when she is known to be doing something wrong. And not offered the same treatment as a guy would get. Well like admin said it does have something to do with culture, and maybe it explains why our Asian women are not so f***ed up like most other women from other cultures. But that isn’t to say, Asian women are not heading in the same direction as white women. Let get things into perspective. Now in America alone there is somewhere in the region of 20 million porn stars. 90% I’m sure of whom are all little girls and women, those who migrate there or who are forced to migrate there from all regions of the world to take part in America’s rampant porn industry. Are white, yellow and black. And Indian porn is on the increase. Now one begs the question why there are so many female, porn stars, hookers and prostitutes everywhere? And why don’t men do the same offer the same level of service to the homesick, sex deprived women out there? Don’t get me wrong I’m not being sexist, I’m only trying to paint a picture of what is happening in this world today as well as what’s been going on for centuries. One reason is why men are willing to pay for sex, or sleep around is because they give and women take. And the woman is left with the responsibility of, if she gets pregnant then f*** it it’s her problem and not mine. And most women are willing to take that risk of becoming pregnant or catching some kind of deadly sex disease, in order to make money. Because these people at the end of the day, are providing what? Entertainment right? So that’s why for example our culture and our religion Islam teaches us that women should cover up because in the ancient days. Humans were more like animals, and in places like America, most western countries, and best part of Asia still are. They shagged there sisters as well as there own mothers. Engaging themselves in all sorts of fornications, adultery, and bestiality. I’m not saying you should wear a hijab to avoid becoming a hooker. All I’m trying to explain to you is that, it’s a very nasty world out there, and you know, as soon as you let your guard down there are scores of hungry desperado’s waiting to take advantage of you. In this sense women have a moral responsibility to listen, learn and take care of themselves. Woman are the pride and joy of the household. And an icon to there children. Your parents are only concerned about you, maybe because of the environment you live in, or your situation. When a guy finds out the girl has been with a few other guys, we immediately considers her to be a prostitute, the one who sleeps around. And avoids her. But if you flip the coin and see that the guy has slept with a hundred girls before he even met you, well funnily enough you still accept him, and it may not even bother you. But why does it bother the guy? :) It’s a funny world isn’t it? We as males do not grow extra muscles, or develop bigger bodies then females for nothing. Our duty is to ward off other males who might be threatening our partner. Speaking in animalistic terms here, please forgive me if this sounds wrong. So if every family did there duty and taught there woman some respect and self dignity, maybe you would say No to desperado’s and everyone will be trusted and let out of there house’s on equal terms. But frankly sisters, the boys are taking advantage and getting away with things because the girls don’t realise where they stand.
//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
maxi |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 18:04:34
that cud be a reason... :D
hmm... world has changed alot from the those times 1400 years ago!
so did the people of it! Society, trust, rules, manythings!
Naz |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 17:09:57
Originally posted by maxi
Well now that was the parents mistake that they didn't question the son about the hair. But i agree they are not allowed to have full liberty. Though they are give more freedom than Girls obviously! :P hmm.. but not that u dont let ur daughter out... u shud allow her to go out but with Hijab! :D do you wear HIjab ? If a parents trusts their children they will surely let them out if the community is safe...
Nah maxi i dnt wear a hijab...
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Naz |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 17:02:52
oh yeh and y do girls family get the shame wen the girl falls in love coz its both of em fault for fallin in love! It sure shouldnt be just the girls fault! Wheneva my mum hears that a girl had a bf then she goes 'yallah, what kinda girls is she'but i always think hey y is it only the girls fault and y is she makiin the biggest deal out of it?! But if its the otha way round, the guys havin a gf then it dnt matta. I asked my mum once y its like that and she sed its rong both ways but i still think shes sexist! lol
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maxi |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 17:01:44
Well now that was the parents mistake that they didn't question the son about the hair. But i agree they are not allowed to have full liberty. Though they are give more freedom than Girls obviously! :P hmm.. but not that u dont let ur daughter out... u shud allow her to go out but with Hijab! :D do you wear HIjab ? If a parents trusts their children they will surely let them out if the community is safe...
Naz |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 16:56:05
Originally posted by admin
Its very sad and true, parents need to treat their children equally but its all to do with cultural backgrounds where the girls needed to be protected more from men. And men were and are still trusted more in some countries so if something is to happen girls get the blame and families get the shame. there's more to it - someone carry on!
"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Y do girls have to be protected more then men? girls can do things the same as men (you know what i mean so no rude comment) In the world the men r doin more stupid things then the girls....so y sud men be trusted more than girls?
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admin |
Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 16:42:26
Its very sad and true, parents need to treat their children equally but its all to do with cultural backgrounds where the girls needed to be protected more from men. And men were and are still trusted more in some countries so if something is to happen girls get the blame and families get the shame. there's more to it - someone carry on!
"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"