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T O P I C    R E V I E W
khuram Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 15:24:55
hi all,
i'm khuram, i'm 19 and currently studying biomedical sciences at uni, i like most types of music apart from rock! that usually ends up givin me a headache! apart from that i luv cricket! (typical asian) and badminton as well. not sure wat else to write for now so i'll leave it there, but wud like to say that it looks like a cool site from wat i've seen so far.

kitne admi te kaliya!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
khuram Posted - 07 Apr 2004 : 00:12:31
hehehe thanx guys
and maxi, def brother!

kitne admi te kaliya!
maxi Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 16:46:03
hey welcome brother/sister :D
xxx_metz_xxx Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 16:42:26
welcome 2 the forum khuram!!! have a wkd time!

¤·.¸.·°Lil Miss Giggles°·.¸.·¤

*******INDIAAAAAAAA - NICE 1 SEHWAG!!!!*******
khuram Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 22:32:41
lol is it now, well seeing as i dnt knw him i cant say but i can guarantee i aint no kusra! mind u that's for u lot to judge but i dnt think i am!

kitne admi te kaliya!
D4_ON3nONLY_UK Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 22:23:17
Waguaaaaaaaaan Khuram, I Only Kno 1 Khuram N His A Propaaa Kusraaa As U Pakistani People Say! I Hope U Aint Like Him, Newayz Welcom Aboard Bro n Enjoy!

.::: K33P1N 1T R34L :::.
khuram Posted - 05 Apr 2004 : 11:09:59
lol do u do it regularly or is it a one off??

kitne admi te kaliya!
MoMo Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 23:29:02
Das me......UNIQUE.....or FREAK or more da term 4 i lyk bein different so its all gud...yh GYMNASTICS 4 LYF!!!!
khuram Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 23:27:06
thanx momo, so u lke gymnastics.. nt many ppl do, but its gud to be unique!

kitne admi te kaliya!
MoMo Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 21:55:12
Hey khuram......hope u enjoy da all da men in my family r obssessed wid cricket bt i cant stand it...badminton is okay tho......i lyk basketball n gymnatics!:D
khuram Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 21:31:46
lol, typicaly indeed fazzy, well sarah i think u might just win, but that depends! i prefer cricket to badminton but just dnt get the chance to play as much anymore! was playin loads during A-levels but since then have hardly played at all! :( been too busy with studies! where's everyone from?

kitne admi te kaliya!
fazzy Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 19:10:42
ermmmm... hi again... wel im studyin... ICT n Business... cnt wait til i n in ma spare time i eat,slp n shop til i typical huh?lol

*.*Faz*.* :)
Rani Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 17:11:15
hey khuram welcome. nice intro, yeh id prefer badminton to cricket anyway . i dont like cricket :( .

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
sarah Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 19:25:50
welcome khuram
im not that gud at badminton bt im gud at cricket sounds abit funny cumin from a girl bt i do!!!
i bet if me and u were to play agianst each other id win lol lol
hpe read more abt u
khuram Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 19:19:32
lol thanx for the welcome guys, n only reason i'm playin badminton is coz the cricket team at my uni is rubbish judging by the net session that i went to! so decided to play badminton instead! so wat does everyone do?

kitne admi te kaliya!
fazzy Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 19:09:37
hi der khuram...
ows it goin?
welcum 2 d forum...
hpe u enjoy it eya...

admin d reasn u aint bin playin badminton 4 a year iz cuz ur alwayz sittin on ur lazy

*.*Faz*.* :)
admin Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 17:00:35
welcom eto the forum khuram! yup im a badminton lover too but ive not played in over a year! good luck with ur studies!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
BengaLTiger Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 15:39:31
Khuram, nice intro. Enjoy!!!

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