T O P I C R E V I E W |
admin |
Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 22:26:28
What are your views on adoption? Would you adopt?
"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Shea |
Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 23:27:03
i think adoption would affect the child more than the parents who adopt. Like, when the child hears he or she is adopted, they will feel a sense of being pushed away by their real parents... even if it wasn't really how it played out. I think there should be a lot of consideration done before adopting.
I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 22:45:08
I'm not a woman, but I guess I would have some say in this... I don't know about adoption. I wouldn't feel right about the baby, I mean, it wouldn't be OURS. I guess it would work out eventually though.
d p
Rani |
Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 22:43:38
hhum yeh i would adopt a new born baby.after all a baby is a baby weather its mine or some one else. i think of adopting babies sometimes
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