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 Should men wear make-up?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 00:25:00
Should men wear make-up? If they did would it be acceptable?

"Still thinking of a signature!"
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SpiKY Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 15:55:00
LOL MoMo!!
I didnt mean to say i wear make up or like to wear it!!
I was just saying man's could be in demand if they do it :-p :-p any way i think its really nasty to see a man wear make ups n that.
Yes rani i agree with u.. only G@Y mans wear make ups n that!

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
Rani Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 15:48:35
ooooooooooo nah ewwwwwwwwwww i told uuuuu guys and make up sounds eeeeewwww g@yy

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
admin Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 13:37:39
Oh well i'll have to throw out my make-up bag!

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gorge_priya Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 12:29:22
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!WHAT A TURN OFF!!!! OF COURSE NOT!!!
MoMo Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 11:49:36
But thn wateva floats ur BOAT, if ur a man n ur in2 make up...den GOOD 4 U!!!(so Spiky n admin u have da ryt 2 make ursleves all pretty n sure u luk lyk pretty lil angle wid all dat make up on)
MoMo Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 11:46:13 wearing make-up is nasty....n plus most r 2 insecure bout their masculinity 2 eva wear thy shudnt neway....i lyk a man's man...n if men start wearing make up...thy guna end up veiner and shallower thn thy alredy r(not tht all men are shallow or vein bt sum r)...if men start wearin make up...thn yh thy'll jst start actin lyk gals n each gender shud b unique..not bein sexist bt jst sayin there's a lyn tht shud DEFINATELY NOT B CROSSED!!!!
SpiKY Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 00:51:34
aha raniii...
u dnt kno.. now days girls are more dimand then guys.. so if a guy can look like girl. dnt u think he will b in dimand too?

I miGht nOt be peRfEct, bUt paRtS oF mE aRE eXcellEnT!
admin Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 00:50:48
im talking about your average Joe! Not when ur on TV, but like women do as a normal activity!

"Still thinking of a signature!"
Rani Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 00:34:18
men do wear make up. hidley ,the popstars superstars wear it, accepting make uppp for men um naaaaaaaa if they over do the lipstick its eww clownnnn look like a girl whats the point if they gonna look like a girl

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