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 Would you chop off a finger for 1 Million?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
admin Posted - 26 Mar 2004 : 18:17:57
If someone offered you £1 Million pounds if you chopped off a finger without anaesthetic, would u do it?

"Still thinking of a signature!"
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ALISHA_NIQ Posted - 18 Apr 2004 : 11:29:32

"Live and Let Live....As LIfe is to Short...Never forget your roots"
ClueLeSs Posted - 18 Apr 2004 : 03:34:38
actually on second thought.....once u cut the finger off...u'll prob think hey i can replace my finger jus do abitta plastic surgery.....but hold on there goes ur million so wot in the hell was the point in cutting ur finger off? hhhmmm think about that one
BengaLTiger Posted - 18 Apr 2004 : 01:09:45
Give me a Million squid, and i'll paint you a finger! lol!

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
Aatira Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 16:21:00
screw the money! i won't b able 2 type without ma fingers
Naz Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 16:08:49
i dnt care if my fingers are lil, they r still precious to me!!!
do u want me to tell the whole forum what ur fingers look like?! lol! hehehe

***ÐÎðmØÑÐz ® ÑÌÇ€ Ñ §ø ® p£å®¿z ßÜT Ѐ®z ÑûtÍÑ ß£T® Ѐñ Úz ŧÎãÑ G¥åLz***
admin Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 18:37:32
naz ur fingers are only little, can i chop one off?! promise i'll do it reaaaal quick!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Naz Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 11:48:00
i was thinkin ur a bit crazy! lol!

***ÐÎðmØÑÐz ® ÑÌÇ€ Ñ §ø ® p£å®¿z ßÜT Ѐ®z ÑûtÍÑ ß£T® Ѐñ Úz ŧÎãÑ G¥åLz***
ClueLeSs Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 00:26:04
naa naz i sed i'll prefer the tenner than cutting my finger off....
BengaLTiger Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 12:29:45
No naz, that will cost you a £1,000,000 squid! On another note (get it note), i wouldn't shuttup even if someone payed me a trillion squid. Not here, not on this forum.

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Naz Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 11:46:28
clueless ull cut ur finger off for a tenner?! :S!

***ÐÎðmØÑÐz ® ÑÌÇ€ Ñ §ø ® p£å®¿z ßÜT Ѐ®z ÑûtÍÑ ß£T® Ѐñ Úz ŧÎãÑ G¥åLz***
Naz Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 11:45:55
shut up bengal tiger!!!

***ÐÎðmØÑÐz ® ÑÌÇ€ Ñ §ø ® p£å®¿z ßÜT Ѐ®z ÑûtÍÑ ß£T® Ѐñ Úz ŧÎãÑ G¥åLz***
ClueLeSs Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 04:26:13
i'll let u off....dnt want the i have a tenner instead?
BengaLTiger Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 04:06:25
Tut, tut @ Naz!!

Always willy conscious! lol!

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
admin Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 04:06:19
damnit i cant sleep!!!! had a nap in the afternoon!!!! arghh!! not fair!!!!

here chop mine off!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
ClueLeSs Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 04:00:01
hmmmmmm, how about chopping some elses...that still valid??? if so then am sure it wont be too traumatic! For me anyway!
~Baby Anjali~ Posted - 15 Apr 2004 : 02:29:45
of course i wouldn't! Coz when u think abt it, $1 million ain't much for a finger!

Also I dun like pain and then wat happens once I spend da $1 million, then I'd juz be starin at mah 4 fingers and dat wudn't b gud!

(btw I typed $ coz I can't find dat pound key)hehe
Mister Relaxed Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 17:35:33
Hell yeah...ive got 6 anyway!!..give me a normal hand and a million quid...not a bad days work!!
Naz Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 17:06:58
[quote]Originally posted by silentsinner

Spoke like a true ultra-girlish girl , lmao !! Nah , jokin

u beta shut up before i get someone to cut off ur f***in penis without anaesthetic! lol! just kiddin!

***ÐÎðmØÑÐz ® ÑÌÇ€ Ñ §ø ® p£å®¿z ßÜT Ѐ®z ÑûtÍÑ ß£T® Ѐñ Úz ŧÎãÑ G¥åLz***
Insomniac Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 16:56:19
just shows how bored i am right now............

"If the movies have taught us anything, it's either never press the big red button or always press the big red button. Follow this simple rule and you can never go wrong."
silentsinner Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 16:47:15

Pounds rather ..
silentsinner Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 16:44:04

Insomniac wants to chop ff his thing for a million dollarz .. whtz yur point of view, INAYA ?
Inaya Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 16:36:55
whats goin on ere den?

Fáshîôñ îs ôñ ôû® mîñds, ßéîñ ©û±îës îs ôû® kîñd, §ô s±ëp ásîdé áñd lë± ûs ±h®ô , Cûz î±s áll ábôû± më áñd my Cû±ë Åss C®ëw!
silentsinner Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 09:30:33

Better consult a Medical professional, cause I doubt it !! There r complicated stuff like .. end to end nerve attachments, muscle allignments n stuff !!
Best of Luck Insomniac !!
aryan Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 00:11:40
Hell no.

Love me i will be ur's Forever.
Insomniac Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 20:17:30
once blood gets back into it, it'll be back!
silentsinner Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 20:09:31

Scar n numbness ... itz gonna be dead, no life !!
Insomniac Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 20:06:18
well sinner the only good thing about the NHS ( uk health service ) is that its free!!. So would be able to get finger attached again and after a few months it'll be back to itself along with a scar.
silentsinner Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 20:01:03

Imsomniac ma' frnd .. once itz cut, u r never gonna get it back. Atleast not as the same as b4 !! Even if u do .. u'll hv to give the hopital more than a million pounds to get it fixed. Itz pointless !!

Greed is the route to all destruction !! Be happy with wht u hv !!
silentsinner Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 19:56:38

Spoke like a true ultra-girlish girl , lmao !! Nah , jokin

Yea tru .. anesthetic or no anesthetic, I wont exchange body parts for money. But if there is sm sound humanitarian reason .. I wont mind puttin ma'self under the edge of a knife !!
Naz Posted - 13 Apr 2004 : 19:47:28
omg if someone payed me 10 billion pounds i wouldnt do it!!! ewwwwwwww!!! thats horrible!!! My fingers r too precious!!!lol

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