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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fabia Posted - 13 Jun 2004 : 20:43:39

These are just some hadith for you to ponder upon.

Hadrat Abu Musa Ash'ari (R.A) reports that the messenger of ALLAH (SAW) said (while describing the depth of hell):

"If a stone is dropped into hell, it will keep on falling for 70 years before reaching the bottom of hell."

Ibn Hibban)

The messenger of ALLAH (SAW) has himself said:

"Hell has seven gates; one of them is for one who draws sword against my Ummah."


The Holy Qur'an says:

"O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whos fuel is MEN and stones."


The mesenger of ALLAH (SAW) said:

"Anyone who conceals knowledge, will have the bridle of fire in his mouth."


"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fabia Posted - 11 Oct 2004 : 14:59:28
of course sis

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
Amina Posted - 11 Oct 2004 : 14:06:54

live life 2 d ful xtent
Fabia Posted - 08 Oct 2004 : 18:44:04
Aameen xxxxxxxxx

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
Amina Posted - 08 Oct 2004 : 17:59:08

live life 2 d ful xtent
Fabia Posted - 08 Oct 2004 : 08:50:49
even in the next second.....but indeed we pray for us all Inshaa'Allah

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
Fagol Posted - 08 Oct 2004 : 03:11:00
i say.. very nice.............. live the moment ur alive now.. u never know what gone happen after 1 minute

Amina Posted - 18 Aug 2004 : 20:41:21
wel said

live life 2 d ful xtent
Mukz Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 17:05:09
There are six stages of knowledge:-

Firstly: Asking questions in a good manner.

Secondly: Remaining quiet and listening attentively.

Thirdly: Understanding well.

Fourthly: Memorising.

Fifthly: Teaching.

Sixthly - and it is its fruit: Acting upon the knowledge.

"The believers are nothing else than brothers and sisters in faith. So make peace between your brothers and sisters and fear Allah, in order that you may receive mercy."
Fabia Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 11:09:46
Aameen Dear Brother AAMEEN.....

"He who kneels before Almighty Allah swt; can stand before anyone!"
"O Allah, let our last days be the best days of our life and our last deeds be the best deeds, and let the best day be the day we meet You."
jemsbhai Posted - 16 Jun 2004 : 07:49:33
may Allah save us all from the torment of the Hellfire

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