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 birthday/star sign

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Rani Posted - 17 Mar 2004 : 23:50:40
when is ur birthday and what star sign are u? do u beleive in horoscopes?

il go first shall i . ok birthday= 24th june
star sig = cancer

do i beleive in horoscopes nooooo use to not anymore ive grown out of it and mystic meg liedddd i never won the lotteryyy

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rksj Posted - 18 Apr 2004 : 19:28:19
9th march, im a picses :D i tink thy the best, all rounders, not a biased comment lol

ahem i dnt really believe in horoscopes, but wen me bored i read em.
admin Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 01:01:02
there is was! did u see it? huh?! did you?! it was amazing! i think uve missed it, have u fallen asleep?! oh well ur loss!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Mamen Mariam Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 00:35:17
lol......*w8n anxiously 4 da amazin powers n very tird of bracing maself*
admin Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 00:27:28
powers?! who said powers?! OH YES the powers! brace yourselves, im about to unleash the fury!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Mamen Mariam Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 00:10:25
yeh cum onnnnn!! is dis wer i get 2 c ur oda powers?????
Aatira Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 00:10:09
ha! on ur face leo's ur nt the only start sigh dat rule! lol
admin Posted - 17 Apr 2004 : 00:08:36
uve got a fight on ur hands! im a libra!!!!!! CAM ON!!!! lets get it on! lol

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Aatira Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 23:55:14
hw can u b so sure....u don some survey? countin? nething?!?!
Mamen Mariam Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 23:49:00
Leos r da best!!! n il personally do da choppin!!
BengaLTiger Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 23:48:06
Leo's rule, this topic. Anyone who thinks otherwise, will get CHOPPED UP, fried with little onions, then gobbled up by us leo's!

//////////////// [BengalTiger ] ////////////////
Aatira Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 23:38:05
Alz did u realise v have lots of things in common?!?!?!
Alz Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 23:35:34
21st June 1987- Gemini
Mamen Mariam Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 20:58:58
oooh n im a leo!
Mamen Mariam Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 20:56:48
my bday 20th August so...u lot still gt a long tym 2 decide wat 2 buy 4 me!!!!
Aatira Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 20:30:39
My b'day's nxt month May 23rd a Gemini! quite typically wanting to do 10 different things @ the same tym!
hindu_gal Posted - 16 Apr 2004 : 20:17:56
heyyyy i'm 15 nearly 16!! my b'day is on the 17th May!!! so start wishing me happy b'day guys!! lol!! i'm a Taurus!! whoo hoo stubborn COW!! lol! jos xx

Mister Relaxed Posted - 14 Apr 2004 : 18:23:36
06th August 1981..

Leo..the man,the myth..the legend..need i say more..
khuram Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 14:01:02
27th sept, i'm a libra
occasionally read them but most of the time their rubbish!

kitne admi te kaliya!
Rani Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 12:30:22
wow finallyyy a cancerian hi asaduddin

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
admin Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 10:23:42
any more libran's here?! im a libra!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
Bachelor Posted - 06 Apr 2004 : 06:41:22
26th October was the day for me.

Makes me a Scorpio.

Don't believe in the zodiac signs but enjoy reading the horror-scopes, lol.
asaduddin Posted - 04 Apr 2004 : 00:31:45
8th July ..............Cancer

All you have to do is decide what to do, with the time that is given to you..........
maxi Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 19:59:24
28th Nov, 1985

I dont but it's sure gets spookie when they come right... doesn't make any changes to my decisions though...
musalma Posted - 03 Apr 2004 : 16:50:01
Originally posted by nazia

hi all

My name is Nazia or pure angel..joke. My birthday is 22nd of April 1978, i am a Taurus. For those of you good at maths can you guess how old i am? I like to read horoscopes just to read on peoples characteristics. However life is what you make it...

Whatever makes you happy just do it.

saty Posted - 01 Apr 2004 : 16:13:12
im also leo, Roarrr im leo the lion!!! bday 21-08

T-Unit "Thrust For Life"
deeps Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 21:30:48
LOL admin...
yeh we are very independent women!!! whens your bday darcy??
Darcy Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 17:48:39
LoL deeps i'm aries :D we are very independant woman heh :P

admin Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 17:37:40
no more ariens but we do have a few aliens, rani is from venus, raz is from marz, naz is from pluto and i live in the stars!

"98% of the time i'm right, why worry about the other 3%?"
deeps Posted - 29 Mar 2004 : 17:30:03
my bday is 3rd aries....anymore ariens out there???
aryan Posted - 28 Mar 2004 : 20:53:00
my b'day is sagitiarius.

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