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 preventing anorexia or bulimea

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sophie Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 15:50:15
I am 16 years old n im anarxic.everytym i eat i mke myself sick,i kno i shudnt do this bt i dnt kno ow 2 parents dnt kno plz help me.
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
abs Posted - 08 Apr 2004 : 12:39:50

Its a very coomon problem amoung young girls these days. You have overcome the hardest stage in admitting you are anarxic or suffer from bulimea (I believe the two to be quite different). Something around you (i.e. parents, family, friend or social reasons) is probally the cause of your problem. i suggest you talk about it to a family memeber/friend and seek professional help.

The important thing is not to blame yourself, but to try and solve the problem now that you are aware of it.

I have been through a professional programme for such a probelm with my girl friend (wife to be). Please feel free to contact me should you require any help.


asia Posted - 22 Mar 2004 : 15:03:08
hey sophie, how u sweetie? listen hun, i had a mate who wod not eat, trust me dont do it, iam glad u realise ur anarxic, u shod go 2 ur doc ,or tel a close friend or fam. its not worth it, why strave ur self, ppl can die,girls are unable 2 give birth due 2this& b mums, is all this worth it hun? i no being 16 is a hard time, every where u look there skinny pple on tv& mag u ting datz wat boys wnt but in a few years time i no u wll ask ur sslef why u did dat. live life 2 da full u neva no wen it will 2 sum one.iam here if u ned a chat. from a person who cares get help, ask urself why u are doing it& wat da end result will b yeah u will b skiny just bones& 2 weak 2 have a lfe or even b dead, deres other ways 2 b fit& healthy. u take care let us no how u doing best wishes swt sis
SKY Posted - 22 Mar 2004 : 02:49:11
agreed. completely

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 22:35:07
...... we did that before... many times

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I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:35:04
I'm always available for help...but just know that ill probably drive you to suicide.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 21:22:54
agreed... but seriously, annorexia and bullemia are viewed as psychological diseases... so seek help if you think you need it

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
SKY Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 18:04:47
Unless you're really fat. Like...REALLY fat, over 500 pounds. Then you should think about puking after every meal or two.

Shea Posted - 19 Mar 2004 : 16:44:12
hmmm... i used to be annorexic too. See... I went out with this girl on teh swim team, and she had the PERFECT body and i felt really bad, so i would starve myself. She noticed it, and then told me I shouldn't do that. Soon, I stopped and started going to the gym. So yeah, you shouldn't have to be annorexic for anyone, just know that you are as beautiful as the next person.

I'm in love with you (so in love)
I'm in love with you (I'm so in love)
I'm in love with you... with you
admin Posted - 16 Mar 2004 : 14:58:57
Sohpie, have you done anything to help yourself with this problem?
Rani Posted - 16 Mar 2004 : 13:08:26
well sophie half of the battle of anorexia is admitting that u have a problem . i think you should tell ur parents go to the doctors also go to counselling sessions thats really good for people with problem like this it really works, i had a friend who suffered from aneroxia and she says that counselling really helped her. u need to stop making urself sick. admitting u have this problem is a good thing

ThE BeAuTy Of LiFe DoEs NoT DePeNd On HoW hApPy U r, BuT oN hOw HaPpY OtHeRs CaN b BeCaUsE oF YoU
admin Posted - 03 Feb 2004 : 10:16:24
boredom makes u walk towards the kitchen... then open the fridge... its a bad habbit!
BaByRaZ Posted - 31 Jan 2004 : 14:04:05
HMMM.......... i cant realy elp u der cuz i do dat myslf...n i shud win wrlds most greatest awrd4dat!! i lyka animal den feel sick n go aslp n pile lods of weight on bt i tink im jus obsesd wiv eatin n not dat im hungry!! n im bored!!! try eatin as often as n as lil as u can!! try avin fruits n veg mor often althou its nt d season now!! wait anova few weeks n try walkin! IT WORKS WIV ME!!
admin Posted - 29 Jan 2004 : 10:02:45
u know Raz MUST be a doctor! she seems to know everything!

Raz, what should i do if i cant stop eating and snacking? I overfill myself and then regret it! Then i feel tired... and sleepy... then i do it all over again the next day!
fazzy Posted - 28 Jan 2004 : 15:13:31
dats real gud advice..... jus try n eat more....

*.*Faz*.* :)
BaByRaZ Posted - 25 Jan 2004 : 18:54:50
ok dear... dis does apen 2 young women who fear bout geting fat!! is dat true in ur case?? r d ppl rond U very slim? Due 2 diets wivout supervision, it causes the stomach2no longer proces foods and steadily close al foods. if it is not controled den medile elp wil b required as it may bcum very serious!!! so do chq wiv ur docta!!
ryt i tink u shud take sum multi vitamins..cuz u r lackin in soo much dese wil suply sum of d nutrients althou u wil stil nid it from d actual food!!
R u losin hair aswel???
is sumfin really stresin u out?
try eating difrent food if u can.... also try getin used 2 friuts n veg!! ....hope u get abit fater N smile ul b fine!!!
admin Posted - 24 Jan 2004 : 23:56:47
Doctor, where u gone? Can we have ur advice on this please! - Asian Forum © Asian Forum
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